How to Delegate Effectively in the Manufacturing Industry

You have become successful in manufacturing because you know that it takes to produce a productive outcome. This is also the case with delegation of responsibility. Most business owners complain that time to work on their business is just not available – there is simply not enough hours in the day! 

If this is your challenge right now, and it has been a while since you were able to step back and work on the vision and future of the company, then perhaps it is time to ask yourself if you are really delegating effectively?

Follow these simple tips to make sure you’re delegating effectively, the tasks you delegate get done the way you want them done and within the time frame you expect.

1) Pick the right employee

If you want a task to be done right, you have got to start by selecting a suitable person to handle it. Make sure the person you choose has the correct skillset, knowledge, and dedication to handle the task. Otherwise it will only put stress on the individual and create frustration for yourself.

2) Describe the task as clearly as possible

A lot of times, the reason an employee fails to complete a task correctly is that they didn’t get clear enough direction. Don’t just hand off the task and walk away; give the person an opportunity to ask clarifying questions and make sure they can describe the task back to you.

3) Choose your deadline

You can’t expect the employee to know how soon the task needs to be completed. Assign a specific deadline and make sure the person understands and agrees to it. 

4) Decide what resources are necessary

This doesn’t just mean paper and pens. The employee might need the help of technical staff, or informational resources, or transportation. You don’t want the task to come to a standstill while the employee waits for resources to be approved; figure them out and approve of them immediately.

5) Write it down

Put the task on paper or in an email. That way nobody can claim there was a mix-up with the assignment, or that they simply forgot about it. Include the deadline and the approval of resources in the documentation. 

6) Ask for updates

Delegation isn’t a “set it and forget it” process; you need to check back in before the deadline, make sure it’s running according to schedule and find a way to address any problems that may have arisen. 

I would be more than happy to discuss some of the proven systems the business owners we work with are using today. Contact me today. 

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